How to Message a Teacher on Whatsapp


Many students use WhatsApp to reach out to teachers. From asking for an extension on an assignment to seeking guidance, here are some best practices that students should keep in mind when communicating through this channel.

Messages should be brief and formal, without casual language or text slang. A friendly follow-up could also prove helpful if the teacher is otherwise busy.

1. Start the conversation with a polite greeting

Teachers may sometimes serve as your peers, but they should always be treated as professionals and treated accordingly. Even if you enjoy an incredibly close relationship with one, discussing personal topics might best be handled during face-to-face meetings or after school hours – emailing to discuss non-academic matters such as family difficulties, mental health concerns, or personal attacks would likely result in both parties facing disciplinary measures for breaches.

When communicating with teachers online, begin with an appropriate greeting. Avoid using overly casual terms like “Hey,” as these could come off as rude. Instead, use formal titles and surnames such as Mr/Mrs [surname] or Professor [surname] as this will show them you respect them while showing you are serious about communicating.

When messaging a teacher about assignments or projects, include the subject in your subject line to easily identify what you’re talking about and quickly locate relevant information in their inbox. Also, providing details such as date/period number can make for quicker processing and responses from teachers.

Emails sent to teachers should always use proper grammar and spelling; avoid using emoticons or chat acronyms. Since emails to teachers tend to be much more formal than other forms of written communication, their presence should reflect positively upon you as an employer. In addition, any problems or inquiries should be resolved immediately so teachers receive feedback on any issue promptly.

2. Introduce yourself

Communication with teachers can be an excellent way to clarify assignments or seek guidance, but it’s essential that when online, proper etiquette be observed when communicating with them. This article will teach you how to message a teacher on WhatsApp so that your conversations remain professional, courteous, and straightforward.

Starting the Conversation Politely

When communicating with teachers, formal language should always be used in your communications. It would help if you avoided text slang or abbreviations while always using correct grammar and spelling. Also, be sure to include a compelling subject line identifying your message’s purpose – for instance, “ASAP Assignment Question” or “Classroom Meeting Re: Essay Submission”. These can help quickly pinpoint it amongst their countless inboxes – giving the teacher an idea of what you require from them.

Teachers are busy people and may not have much time to respond to emails over weekends and holidays. If your email is urgent, try including it in the subject bar so they can prioritize it; additionally, it would help if you include your name, class section number, or any other identifying details so they can easily recognize you among their students.

When seeking assistance, be specific in what you require and open to their suggestions; after all, they have years of experience to offer valuable guidance and insight. Don’t forget to thank them for their cooperation at the conclusion of your request and express your appreciation!

3. State your purpose clearly

When communicating with teachers via message, it is essential to state your purpose clearly. This will allow them to respond appropriately and address your query or concern without creating confusion and miscommunication. For instance, if you need an extension on an assignment, be sure to explain why. Finally, thank them once they have responded, as this can show appreciation for their assistance in answering your query.

Start your conversation by greeting them politely – this can set the tone for further discussions and ensure they can identify you among their many students. Also, avoid text slang or abbreviations, which could come across as rude and disrespectful.

If you need to discuss something outside of school-related topics with your teachers, make sure the subject line clearly states your purpose, such as “ASAP Homework Problem” or “Quick Question.” Furthermore, avoid sending emails on weekends or during holidays since teachers could be busy and unlikely to respond right away.

If a teacher has messaged you requesting help or advice, don’t be intimidated into not responding immediately. Just be sure that when replying, you use appropriate language and adhere to all school policies regarding student-teacher relationships. Furthermore, respect your teacher’s experience as they can provide invaluable insights that can build positive relationships between you and help ensure a productive academic year ahead!

4. Follow up if needed

If you need to contact a teacher via WhatsApp, you must follow proper etiquette. This includes using formal language, avoiding text slang, and being polite. Keep in mind that teachers may be busy and may not reply right away. To ensure your question or concern is taken seriously, send a follow-up email after some time has passed.

When following up with your teacher, always include details on the topic of conversation and the date you last made contact. This will enable them to quickly recognize why you’re following up, eliminating any confusion or miscommunication. Also, be sure to CC or BCC someone in your email, helping remind them about it and encouraging them to take appropriate steps.

Many teachers utilize instant messaging apps as a communication medium with their students. This can be especially beneficial when sending assignments, reminding students about class events and meetings, sharing key school announcements such as snow days or closures, and reducing data consumption; using IM apps tends to use less bandwidth than email.

When your teacher is away from school, they must know as soon as possible in order to adjust their lesson plans accordingly and avoid confusion or missed deadlines. Furthermore, if an extension is necessary, be sure to notify them early with an explanation as to why more time may be needed.

No matter if it is with homework assignments or performance overall, if you need assistance, it is imperative that you contact your teachers immediately. This guide will show how best to do it in a professional, courteous, and effective way.

5. End the conversation on a positive note

When messaging teachers, you should follow specific guidelines in order to make the conversation productive. For instance, avoid using casual language or texting slang; additionally, avoid sending emails at inconvenient hours of night or morning as teachers often have many students to respond to; lastly, be patient as responses could take several days if your email isn’t urgent.

Start each conversation with a respectful greeting, such as “Hello, Ma’am/Sir” or “Good morning/afternoon.” Doing this sets the right tone and shows your respect for their opinion. Furthermore, introduce yourself. Doing this helps remind the teacher who you are while also refreshing their memory about who you are; using different names on WhatsApp than your real one may also be helpful in doing this effectively.

End the conversation on an upbeat note to leave an excellent first impression with your teacher. One great way of doing so is by thanking them for their time and assistance.

Ask for feedback about your performance to show them you’re serious about improving. Finally, please keep the conversation focused on academic matters; otherwise, they might misinterpret what you are asking them about as personal advice or assistance. Finally, avoid emailing teachers for non-academic purposes – for emotional issues, you should contact a counselor or other professional instead – such as dealing with family or friend issues that arise.