The Constitution – Why and How Class 11 Notes


Constitutions are documents that define how governments of various countries function, setting out rules and laws for how their state should function, as well as outlining relationships among different institutions of that state, such as legislatures, executive bodies, and judiciaries.

India’s constitution is one of the longest-written constitutions worldwide, reflecting the ideals and aspirations of those fighting for their independence from Britain and America. Additionally, its principles were inspired by other constitutional documents from those countries as well.

It gives its Citizens a new Identity.

The Constitution is an essential document in providing its citizens with an identity. It outlines basic objects and ideals of society, limits governmental powers, and gives citizens a say in governance. Furthermore, the constitution serves to protect citizens against arbitrary state action by guaranteeing good leaders come into force – one reason it endures over time.

The term “constitution” comes from the Latin constitutus, meaning established. This word’s root verb, statuere, refers to setting up or launching something. Additionally, statute in English also derives from this root verb and refers to laws or regulations. A constitutional system of rules serves as a framework that defines its leading institutions, such as legislative, executive, and judicial branches, as well as any relationship between state governments; additionally, it offers a mechanism for amending its provisions.

A constitution provides guidelines for organizing federal and state governments as well as outlining citizen rights and duties. It includes a Declaration of Rights that ensures individuals will be treated equally, checks and balances to check excessive government power, as well as protections against arbitrary actions taken by federal governments.

Constitutions are living documents, with changes influenced by shifting social conditions and needs. Amendments are carefully proposed and debated before being ratified, passing a rigorous test for popular support before becoming part of the law. Furthermore, their horizontal distribution among different institutions makes exploiting any one institution nearly impossible.

These men were well-educated men who enjoyed widespread support among their followers, using only the finest tools of the time to craft an enduring document that would support nationalist goals while creating an independent democratic India governed by human rights and democracy principles, which now form part of its foundation.

It sets out the basic objects and ideals of the society

A constitution serves as the fundamental guide of governance for any state. It details who gets to decide what laws are made, how the government will operate, and guarantees certain fundamental rights. Furthermore, it establishes what type of powers can be exercised by the Federal Government, including declaring war.

The Constitution was born out of months of intense and thoughtful debate among delegates to the Philadelphia Convention in 1787. James Madison led this effort, but many others made vital contributions, such as Oliver Ellsworth, Edmund Randolph, John Rutledge, James Wilson, William Johnson Gouverneur Morris, and Benjamin Franklin – to name a few! It aimed to replace the Articles of Confederation, which created a weak central government.

It outlines a system of courts and an Executive branch with the power to declare war, raise funds, and pass laws. Furthermore, it allows for impeachment proceedings against presidents for high crimes or misdemeanors, term limits for presidents and members of Congress as well as definitions of crimes such as treason. Furthermore, a two-thirds majority vote is necessary in the Senate when ratifying treaties.

Constitutions generally seek to regulate the relationship among the leading institutions of a state, particularly its executive, legislature, and judiciary branches. Furthermore, most bodies attempt to define citizens’ broad rights while setting limitations on power exercises as well as outlining procedures for resolving disputes.

Constitutions exist to safeguard citizens against corrupt leaders, unchecked political power, and other forms of oppression; however, their principles can often be difficult to uphold and interpret accordingly in order to ensure their provisions reflect modern understandings of their creator’s intent.

One of the more controversial theories of constitutional interpretation is “original meaning.” This theory holds that every constitution had an objectively identifiable meaning at its inception that hasn’t changed, which must be recreated when interpreting its provisions. Judges and justices must construct this original meaning when analyzing constitutional claims; proponents claim only by following this doctrine will their intent be met when adjudicating them.

It limits the powers of the Government.

The Constitution establishes limits to government by delineating distinct and limited powers for Congress, the president, and federal courts. This system of checks and balances ensures no branch can dominate another – this balance between power and liberty is central to American constitutional law.

In 1787, delegates gathered at Philadelphia were concerned about how the Articles of Confederation had given too much power to the national government and threatened fundamental liberties. Their Constitution sought to address this problem by restricting its scope but providing sufficient capabilities for federal action while safeguarding individual rights.

To limit the powers of the national government, the framers enumerated specific legislative powers while leaving all others to individual States. Additionally, they created a bicameral Congress consisting of House representatives elected for two-year terms from districts with equal populations and Senate senators initially selected by state legislatures but later elected directly by citizens – this two-chameral structure balanced interests between large and small states wanting representation based on population as well as citizen choice of representatives.

In addition to outlining Congress’ powers, the Constitution also created an independent judiciary that can declare any acts of national government that violate it null and void – this safeguard helps prevent either executive or judicial branches of the federal government from abusing their authority and their powers.

The framers also provided for an amendment process to adapt to changing needs over time, which they could not foresee at that point in history; nevertheless, they created a system flexible enough to respond quickly while maintaining stability and continuity in government.

It is a living document.

Constitutions are the set of rules that guide society. They establish just and orderly behavior within an economy and ensure all individuals work together somewhat. Furthermore, constitutions stipulate a form of government with limited powers so as to prevent abuse while upholding the rule of law.

First and foremost, the Constitution ensures democratic elections to elect rulers at regular intervals – meaning no dynasties and power residing with the public rather than any individual or family. Furthermore, it lays out principles of democracy while guaranteeing people their rights (such as freedom of speech and expression) while guaranteeing all citizens have voting rights without discrimination on grounds such as race, religion or caste.

Constitutions play an essential role in setting forth the basic objects and ideals of society by outlining goals and aspirations for society as a whole. Additionally, bodies provide protection for minorities and the poor while creating equal opportunities for all citizens and abolishing untouchability. Furthermore, India’s foreign policy should conform with UN Charter ideals to ensure peace and respect for international law.

Not only does the Constitution outline the primary aims and ideals of society, but it also lays out fundamental state policies as well as guaranteeing rights to its people. As a document that represents the spirit and ideals of those fighting to liberate India from British Rule, the paper incorporates equality and justice while outlawing terrorism, corruption, discrimination, and slavery with laws against each of them enumerated herein, as well as prohibiting violence against any person or property and guaranteeing free press.

Drafted by India’s Constituent Assembly, composed of representatives from every region across India. As an extraordinary assembly that represented the hopes and aspirations of all groups within Indian society – Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs alike – their members debated it passionately with a relentless sense of purpose and commitment, even while there were legitimate disagreements of principle within its ranks; ultimately the Constitution was signed on 26 November 1949 and became effective 26 January 1950.